
1974年 荷蘭宣教士畢路安姊妹(Louise)在台灣成立中華基督教醫務團契。
1977年 一群有醫療傳道負擔的醫師從禱告會開始,成立中華醫藥傳道會。
1979年 與芬蘭差會簽約全權經營恆春基督教醫院。
1982年 與挪威協力會簽約合作經營屏東基督教醫院。
1983年 中華基督教醫務團契和中華醫藥傳道會合併成路加傳道會,
仍名為CCMM(Chinese Christian Medical Mission),路加LOGO由蔡茂堂醫師設計。
1984年 向政府登記為「財團法人中華基督教路加傳道會」。
1995年 成立中華牙醫服務團(CCDS)。
2009年 怒江醫療服務團成為本法人隸屬單位。
2010年 播種音樂事工成為本法人隸屬單位。
2010年 國防醫學院畢業生團契成為本法人隸屬單位。

●Historical Synopsis

In 1974, Sister Louise, a missionary from Holland, started the 
    Chinese Hospital Christian Fellowship (CHCF).
In 1977, A group of medical doctors in Taiwan with a burden for
    medical missions initiated a prayer fellowship. As the
    fellowship grew in number, Chinese Christian Medical
    Mission (CCMM) of Taiwan was established.
In 1979, CCMM and Finnish Missionary Society signed an
    agreement to grant CCMM full authority to operate and
    develop the Heng-Chun Christian Hospital.
In 1982, CCMM and Norway Mission Alliance signed an
    agreement to jointly manage the Pingtung Christian Hospital.
In 1983, CHCF and CCMM merged, retaining the English name
    Chinese Christian Medical Mission (the new name in
    Chinese translates as Luke Gospel Mission). The Logo of
    CCMM was designed by Dr. Matthew Tsai.
In 1984, CCMM registered with the government as a non-profit
In 1995, Chinese Christian Dental Services (CCDS) was
In 2004, CCMM Healthy Family Center
In 2009, Nujiang Medical Services was established.
In 2010, Sowing Seeds was established.
In 2010, Graduates Fellowship of National Defense Medical
    Center was established
In 2022, Taipei Veterans General Hospital Pastor Room was